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Office Policies and Fees


Initial Psychotherapy Assessment - $300 per hour

Psychotherapy Session - $200 per hour

Psychological Testing - $300 per hour

Letters and Reports - $300 per hour

Court room appearances - $1,000 for 2 hours; $2,000 for a full day.

Meetings outside the office such as school meetings - $300 per hour + travel time by 1/4 hour increments

Forensic Psychological Services are by contract only. Please contact my office for an estimate. Forensic Services are not covered by your health insurance.

**IMPORTANT** Prior to your first appointment with me, call your insurance carrier and have them explain to you how your mental health benefits work. This is important in order for you to receive the maximum reimbursement.  Ask about your deductible, whether you have reached it and the anticipated co-pay. Request pre-authorization for the services if needed. 

The only insurance company that I am contracted with is Blue Cross. I will bill Blue Cross for you. You will be responsible for the copay and any other costs they do not cover. Please note insurance companies do not reimburse for "no show appointments," letter writing or meetings outside of my office. You will be responsible for those expenses at the above rates.   

For all other insurance carriers, I am happy to bill your insurance company for you but I require you to pay my fee at the time of the visit. I will direct all payments from your insurance carrier to go directly to you.   

Fees are paid at the time of service.


 regina@reginamarshallphd.com  831.869.1960 or 775.357.2426  Fax: 888.684.6907